The Coast to Coast: Prologue & Day 1

Prologue The UK holds hundreds of Ultra events each year. The concept of them, I used to think, was baffling. But then, despite completing (and hating) the marathon distance, I still wanted more (runners are a weird breed). It just seems to be how this whole running thing works: you somehow relish the pain. When … Continue reading The Coast to Coast: Prologue & Day 1

Week 1

Here’s a summary of Week 1 of Marathon Training. Vlogs of the week are at the bottom of the page. I’ve included my cycle commute to show any extra activity I’m doing on top of it, and also my total basal insulin (NovoRapid - Medtronic 640g pump) for the day just to show how it … Continue reading Week 1


Todays topic encourages us to spill the particular parts of diabetes that we would usually keep from the public sphere - the aspect of diabetes that we tend to keep to ourselves, away from our family, friends, and, well, the entire internet.  There is one aspect of diabetes I choose not to blog about. And that, … Continue reading Shh…