Food Glorious Food

There's something no diabetic wants when they've got diabetes, and that's a sweet tooth. I'm part of the one half of the population that would choose sweet over savoury. I'm the person who gets would get excited about Starbuck's flavoured lattes at Christmas. I'd be the one dipping biscuits into my sugared tea, and finishing … Continue reading Food Glorious Food

My diabetes is a baby.

My diabetes is a baby. It needs caring for 24/7, with no weekends, holidays, or even time off. The only difference with the arrival of diabetes and the arrival of a baby is that with a baby you at least had several months to prepare yourself. My diabetes a baby. It wakes me up in … Continue reading My diabetes is a baby.


Todays topic encourages us to spill the particular parts of diabetes that we would usually keep from the public sphere - the aspect of diabetes that we tend to keep to ourselves, away from our family, friends, and, well, the entire internet.  There is one aspect of diabetes I choose not to blog about. And that, … Continue reading Shh…